The gigantic upright ape known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch is not usually associated with Indiana with its spreading farm fields and large towns, but there have been a surprisingly large number of sightings in that prairie state.
The gigantic upright ape known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch is not usually associated with Kansas, but there have been a surprisingly large number of sightings in that prairie state.
The gigantic upright ape known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch is usually associated with the Pacific Northwest, but over the past century and a half there have been a surprising number of sightings from the state of Michigan.
Brighton in Sussex is best known as a seaside holiday town with a magnificent beach, bracing prom and a truly wonderful pier. But there is much more to Brighton than its jovial holiday face. There are the ghosts!
Dorchester is the county town of Dorset, a quiet haven of shops, pubs and Roman ruins - but there are also ghosts, phantoms and spooks of many kinds.
Guildford, Surrey, looks like a typical bustling English market town. There are shops, market stalls, a castle and a cathedral, but behind the mundane facade lurks a town heaving with ghosts, spooks and hauntings.
Hereford is a beautiful and ancient city known for its stunning cathedral and delicious cider - but there are also ghosts, phantoms and spooks of many kinds.
The Tower of London has a sinister reputation - and deservedly so. Executions, murders and disappearances fill its history. Now a new ebook looks at the ghosts, spooks and hauntings that fill these ancient, bloodstained walls.
Just as UFOs have become synonymous with alien visitors, similarly it is often assumed that ghosts, if they are real, must be the spirits of the deceased. There are, however, several paranormal theories to explain ghosts that would be equally paradigm shattering to mainstream science if they could be scientifically verified and proven to be real, and not just the product of overactive imaginations.
Lurking in the forested uplands of East Africa there is said to be a species of big cat that as yet science refuses to accept - the Marozi.
Lurking among the forested hills of East Africa is said to be a bear-like animal of unparalleled power and ferocity. It can kill a man with a blow of its clawed foot, it feasts on children, sheep and goats, but most terrifying of all is the fact that it eats only the brains of its victims. This is the description usually given of the Nandi Bear. But does the animal really exist?
In 1984 a Dutch scientist walking through forests in Sri Lanka saw a pair of short human-like creatures covered all over in dense fur - the Nittaewo. But does the animal really exist?
A gripping account of the very latest developments in the esoteric worlds of conspiracy theories, Ufology, paranormal investigations and the bizarre.
Shakespeare's plays are filled with witches, ghosts, sorcerers and other paranormal characters. How did Shakespeare portray such supernatural events, and what did he really believe?
In this book researcher Larry Jaffer investigates the famous Patterson-Gimlin Film that was shot in 1967 and which purports to show a Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.
Do you believe that you can read a person's character by looking at his or her face? I did not believe a word of it until I met my mother in law. She only needed to look at a person to judge their character, and was spot on every time. I persuaded my mother in law to teach me everything she knew about reading faces, now I am very old (85) so it is time to pass on this skill before it is too late.
Key note: Internationally renowned blogger and writer on the paranormal, science fiction and conspiracy theories, Richard Thomas takes the reader on a tour through the galaxy of sci-fi worlds that have dominated our TV screens over the past 50 years. Along the way he interviews Nick Redfern, Nick Pope, Lex Gigeroff and others.
Before Roswell there was Aztec - a report of a crashed flying saucer where the wreckage and alien bodies were seized by the US military. But what is the truth?
On the night of 19/20 September, 1961, on their way home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire from a short break in Canada, something happened to Betty and Barney Hill that began a new controversy in UFO research that continues even today.
The bleak, windswept uplands of Bodmin Moor cover about 80 square miles of Cornwall in southwestern Britain. People who live near the Moor report that a big cat is wandering, killing sheep and terrifying those who come across it. But does the famous "Beast of Bodmin" actually exist?
A book dedicated to the famous UFO incident in Wales which convinced many locals that something odd had crashed up on the remote slopes of Berwyn Mountain. This book uncovers the truth.
The disappearance without trace of 5 US?Navy bombers off the coast of Florida in 1945, followed by the search aircraft sent to find them, is fairly well known. What is not widely appreciated are the clues that link the loss to speculation that there might be a suboceanic base for UFOs in the western Atlantic - right where the ominous and mysterious Bermuda Triangle is to be found.
The traditional ghosts of old England given a new twist for the 21st century by a master storyteller.
The term "Britain's Roswell" has been used to describe a number of UFO cases in the British Isles. But only one case comes close to the Roswell crash. This case is the Rendlesham Forest Incident; where in the 1500-hectare mixed woodland in Suffolk, England, a series of mysterious lights were seen in the vicinity of the twin bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, both used at the time by the US Air Force.
The gigantic upright ape known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch has been reported from across North America. But could it really exist? The value of sightings, footprints and photos is argued back and forth by sceptics and believers, but what about the scientific background to the ape. Is there enough food in the habitat for this sort of creature to survive? Where would Bigfoot fit into the ape evolutionary tree? Does Bigfoot conform to the laws of physics? The answers to these questions and many more are discussed here - and the author's conclusions may come as a surprise to sceptic and squatcher alike.
Cryptid Casebook no.5. Lurking in the tropical mountain forests of northern Queensland is said to be a savage beast which is able to disembowel a kangaroo with ease and to have little fear of humans. But does the Yarri or Queensland Tiger really exist?