A fun and informal book about the European Union. The book presents 101 amazing, amusing and scandalous facts about the EU accompanied by humorous cartoons to make a serious political point in a light-hearted way.
A book that lays bare the failings of the British political establishmenet and sysem, penned by a famously robust critic of the European Union and its politically correct tyranny.
As the UK talks of cuts and austerity, this book explores for beginners the true scale of our financial problems, and some of the controversies behind modern spending. Warning: do not read if you suffer from high blood pressure, or lack a sense of humour in a crisis.
This book was written in 1887 at a critical time for both the debate on Irish Home Rule and for Gladstone himself. It influence on events proved to be great and lasting. As well as the key note section by Gladstone, the book includes sections by other eminent scholars and politicians including Earl Spencer, Canon MacColl, E. Godkin, James Bryce, Barry O'Brien and John Morley. This edition has an introduction by historian Rupert Matthews that puts this classic work into its historical and politcal context.
Insiders' analysis of negative campaigning in the politics of the UK and USA - why it works and why it does not.
A compilation of the finest speechs by leading Euro-Sceptic and erstwhile "Maastricht Rebel" Christopher Gill. Most people accept the importance of living in a land where the "rule of law" is upheld but beyond that, who cares ?
The book charts how in 1997 two early-retired head teachers acquired a recently closed school with the aim of fulfilling a long-held dream to establish a school of their own. Although having no business experience, their intention was to create a school and to run it in a way that they had always thought a school should be run.
It is alarming to think that people once knew what Conservatism meant and what it stood for, and how much since then doubt has set in.
There are many people who would like Britain to leave the European Union. But the question is rarely asked if Britain would be allowed to do so. In this booklet historian Rupert Matthews looks at previous multinational associations such as the League of Delos and the United States America. He traces how there is an inexorable tendency for powers to accrue to the centre and for the interests of the member states to be ignored. The associations that were formed voluntarily always react with violence whem member states seek to leave.
Fast-paced political memoir by a former Conservative MP charting the infiltration of the Conservative Party by non-conservative elements and the subversion of a once-great political party.
A ground-breaking study of national importance of our criminal justice system by one of Britain's most intellectual and highly-regarded MPs, a former criminal barrister of note.
With a Referendum on Britain's membership of the EU now firmly on the cards it is time for an open, accessible and accurate book about the EU that is free from jargon and prejudice. This is that book.
The story of how a small village community with the help for their Member of Parliament took on the commercial giants behind a controversial wind farm application.
In this paper John Hay-Heddle sets out serious problems with the HS2 Project relating to energy reserves, climate change, safety matters, costs and other operational concerns. He demonstrates that a 250mph Super-train is nothing like as "Green" as its proponents claim, and that the business model is seriously flawed.
A simple, step by step guide on how to be a winning election candidate by one of the best campaign managers in the business.
Lenin wrote "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism" in the spring of 1916, though it was not published until the summer of 1917. The timing was fortuitous for what had been a minority view of interest to few when he wrote it had come to be a powerful message with resonance with many by the time it was published. So, although one of Lenin's shorter works, it is widely recognised as being one of his most immediately influential. The introduction by historian Rupert Matthews sets the book in its historic setting and explains why it was such a profoundly influential work when it first came out.
Written by six of the leading financial theorists in Britain, this book puts forward a powerful case for the freedom of the City of London and the financial industries that it holds. Free trade and innovation are the keys to future prosperity. The siren voices calling for government interference and regulation must be resisted.
As Lenin's life drew to a close he wrote an outline programme for the future of the Soviet government. Lenin's works have been given a new Introduction by historian Rupert Matthews to explain their historical setting and importance.
Magna Carta was a key foundation stone in the development of the British Constitution and the establishment of freedom in Britain. But how relevant is the Magna Carta to life in the 21st Century?
The European Union is hurting Britain economically, socially and culturally. This book looks at what Britain can learn from four of our key competitors - Australia, Canada, Norway and Switzerland.
Written by a two of Margaret Thatcher's staunchest allies, this short book is filled with personal memories of meeting the great lady and of the impact she had on British politics.
Autobiography of sports star and politician, Martin Brandon-Bravo.
A controversial critique of the European Union by maverick Conservative MEP Roger Helmer. "Well informed and merciless" - Lord Lawson "Roger Helmer revels in controversy" - Rt Hon. John Redwood MP.
In August 1917 Vladimir Lenin wrote this highly influential book with the specific aim of stirring up the Russian people to support a Communist Revolution to be led by himself. Just weeks later Lenin organised the Communist Revolution. This new edition comes with an introduction and analysis by historian Rupert Matthews.
Euroscepticism within the Conservative Party has been growing steadily since the Maastricth Rebellion of 1993. And yet the lessons of those turbulent months have yet to be learned properly. This book sets out clearly the reasons why some MPs rebelled and others did not - and points the way to the future.
A gripping account of the Corby Parliamentary By-Election written by a Corby-based journalist
A gripping account of the Croydon North Parliamentary By-Election written by local political activist
The shock result of the Eastliegh By election of 2013 gave a massive boost to UKIP, and a blow to the Conservatives. This is a gripping account of the Eastleigh Parliamentary By-Election written by an experienced observer of Parliamentary By-Elections who charts the rise, and fall, of the different parties.
A gripping account of the MIddlesbrough Parliamentary By-Election written by an experienced political writer.
The Rochester & Strood by election of 2014 was perhaps the most important in a generation. For decades the seat had been a key Conservative-Labour marginal. Whoever won here won the country. But then in 2014 Mark Reckless the Conservative MP suddenly defected to UKIP and resigned to force a by-election. Now nobody knew what would happen.
The South Shields By-Election of 2013 should have been a walk over for Labour. It was a safe Labour seat and they chose a popular local candidate. But the campaign turned out to be a hard fought, close contest with new kids on the block UKIP?giving Labour a real run for their money.
How is Britain to remain a well-paid, successful and influential nation in the 21st century?
This new edition of the political classic comes with a foreword by historian Rupert Matthews and includes a number of other early works relating to 19th Century Communism.
If Britain is to take control of its destiny it had better hurry up. Time is running out.
If you have ever wondered how Political Correctness got such a tight grip on modern Britain, then look no further than this hilarious and deeply subversive book. This is the follow-up book to the outstandingly successful "Politically Incorrect Lexicon" by author Peter Mullen.
How membership of the European Union has subverted the English Constitution and how the people can set themselves free.
Many Eurosceptics look to Norway as a guide to how Britain would function outside the EU, but within the European Single Market. Europhilles decry it as an incomplete halfway house. But who is correct?
Thoughtful and convincing work arguing for the thorough reform of the Ombudsman system written by an MP PPS in the House of Commons.
Introduction by Quentin Letts Hilarious definitions of words and phrases used in today's world that are guaranteed to amuse, annoy, appeal and appal in equal measure. Today's media and politics are dominated by words and phrases that have a special meaning far removed from their traditional dictionary definitions. In this hugely entertaining lexicon, Peter Mullen exposes the hidden meanings, secret definitions and doublespeak of the modern English language as used by the politically correct.
Hard-hitting attack on the government's windfarms policy, backed up by data and delivered in an engaging style.
Written by a key insider and UKIP activist, this book takes a look at the rise of this ground breaking political party that threatens to overthrow the conventional face of British Politics.
Foreword by Professor Tim Congdon As Britain moves towards exit from the European Union, the author warns of a trap laid by the EU and how to avoid it. "The route to Brexit is a Gordian Knot of a problem that requires an Alexandrian solution," he writes.
So, you're trying to explain to a Sassenach the issues around Scottish Independence and Devolution. Or you're an Englishman stuck in a pub in Glasgow faced by irate locals. Will Scotland remain a member of the EU? What currency will you spend in Scottish shops?? What will happen to cross border trade between England and Scotland? What if the Shetlands want to rejoin Norway? And just how will the Loch Ness Monster survive (if she exists)?
A controversial and outspoken critique of the world of British politics by a key political insider.
Since 2012, Ukip has been doing much better. They hit a high of 27% at the Eastleigh by-election of 2013 and 24% in South Shields the same year. A succession of good election results at local and national, especially in Westminster Parliamentary by-elections, has catapulted Ukip onto the national stage. And then Nigel Farage scored two triumphs in televised debates against Nick Clegg.
The Truth About Boris His Triumphs His Policies His Record in Office
The Truth About Ken His Cronies His Scandals His Hypocrisy
Interviews with the leading figures of the Centre Right conducted by one of the leading interviewers in independent radio production.
A timely, populist and controversial book that explains in an easy to understand and chatty style what problems face Britain in the UK and how they can be solved.
A book detailing the calendar of International Days - including World Oceans Day, World Refugee Day, World Suicide Prevention Day, World Tourism Day, World Teachers' Day, International Day of Rural Women, World AIDS Day, World Cancer Day, World Radio Day, Martin Luther King Day, etc., etc.
Wind farms are springing up right across Britain, blighting homes and raising serious health concerns. Local residents have felt powerless against the millions that are routinely spent by the big businesses behind the applications that are devastating our countryside.
Much has been written about Britain's unhappy relationship with the European Union, but although a referendum is looking increasingly likely in the next few years, many people remain unaware of just how much damage the EU has done to this country. This short and easy-to-read book sets out the main issues clearly and succinctly, spelling out the benefits of regaining our independence. An ideal for anyone still in the dark about the EU or undecided how to vote if we are given the chance to regain our freedom.
The inside story of the campaign to put Boris Johnson back into power as London Mayor told by one of the top members of his campaign team who was at Boris's side throughout.
Britain as seen through the eyes of an immigrant from Belgium. Amusing, serious, incisive, but always affectionate, JP Floru brings an outsider's eye to look at Britain.
A booklet that seeks to examine under Protocol 36 those European Union Police and Criminal Justice Measures into which the Home Office has indicated a desire to 'opt in'. The evaluation focuses on measures with potential negative consequences for freedom, and measures which the United Kingdom would manage better outside of European Court of Justice (ECJ) auspices.